
Knowledge is power.  Information is liberating.

These articles are written to provide factual background and insights into the issues and the candidates in this election.  The category row above the articles is used to narrow the listings to specific topic areas.

Democrats Stand Up for Veterans!

Democrats Stand Up for Veterans!

Feb 06, 2024

Democrats Succeeded in Passing the PACT Act for Veterans’ Healthcare in 2022. The PACT Act (the “Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022” bill) had been heavily anticipated by Veterans to cover medical and mental health care for exposure to toxic substances during their military deployments. In June 2022, PACT passed the Senate 84 - 14, bypassing filibuster. The House passed the bill, and it went back to the Senate for a revote to correct a technical error in late July. Unfortunately, more than 25 Republican Senators inexplicably changed their votes to NO -- causing a 55-to-42 vote that doomed the bill under filibuster. But Democrats persisted and the Senate passed the bill -- STANDING UP FOR VETERANS.

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President Biden's and Democrat's Legislative Accomplishments

President Biden's and Democrat's Legislative Accomplishments

Feb 06, 2024

In his Philadelphia speech on August 31, 2022, President Biden highlighted the Democrats’ significant legislative accomplishments in 2021 and 2022. He emphasized the major items in his speech: “. . . we passed the biggest infrastructure investment since President Eisenhower . . . we passed the most significant gun safety law since President Clinton . . . we passed the most significant health care reform since President Obama signed the ACA . . . and . . . we passed the most important climate initiative ever, ever, ever.” Those are just the highlights. This article lists all the amazing accomplishments in legislation and some of the most important Executive Orders issues, capturing many of President Biden's and the Democratic accomplishments in 2022.

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